Everything you need to know about personalised nutrition
As we see a drive for functional food, New Food’s Editor, Bethan Grylls, interviews Dr Jeffrey Blumberg on the topic of personalised nutrition to see whether this could be the next megatrend.
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As we see a drive for functional food, New Food’s Editor, Bethan Grylls, interviews Dr Jeffrey Blumberg on the topic of personalised nutrition to see whether this could be the next megatrend.
Dominie Fearn, Founder of the Wild Hare Group, a sustainable food producer, looks at how food producers can decarbonise and shorten their supply chains through supporting local British farms and adopting carbon tracking technology.
As we see increasing interest in functional foods, Professor. Dr. Hans Verhagen offers an overview of current EU regulation with regards to health and nutrition claims.
Read about the key topics impacting food and beverage testing labs in our latest Guide to Testing supplement.
Our most recent ingredients In-depth Focus features commentary from Mars Wrigley on the mint supply chain and explores the future of pet food.
Dr Rudaba Khondker from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) speaks about recent industry and regulatory progress in promoting the Iodized Salt Act, helping to combat vitamin deficiencies and improve health in Bangladesh.
Miraculin could be a game changer in the sweeteners market when all its forms gain legal approval and become cost effective.
Global consumption of dairy products – and particularly milk products – is increasing, escalating the dairy industry's production of waste. Here, food expert Evita Achmadi reflects on how we can turn by-product into value product.
The Kjeldahl method is presented as an easy and reliable method of total nitrogen and protein determination in various meat types.
The ingredients arm of food manufacturing giant, Arla Foods, says the new innovation centre will enable it to “bridge the gap” between research and manufacturing sustainable food.
In an effort to create the ultimate meat substitute that delivers on taste and texture, Victory Hemp is placing its bets on the hemp seed heart.
Mondelez India has announced that even more Cadbury products in the country will bear the Cocoa Life logo, promoting sustainable cocoa farming throughout the country.
The Near-IR spectra that are used for quality control of food are quite complex to analyse. They contain overtones and combination spectra which are broad-band and a few orders of magnitude lower in intensity as compared to the Mid-IR intensity of the fundamental band.
This application note demonstrates the utility of Raman imaging for characterising various food samples such as honey, chocolate and fat spreads, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the products and the production processes.
It’s hoped the fortification of flour in the UK will reduce neural tube defects among new born children as the UK follows the US and Australia in adopting the policy.