New Food Issue 1 2019
Issue 1 2019 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on cannabis patents, the future for agribusiness post-Brexit, and Blockchain technology.
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Issue 1 2019 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on cannabis patents, the future for agribusiness post-Brexit, and Blockchain technology.
Rice, wheat, and maize are the world’s three leading food crops; together they supply over 40% of all calories consumed by the entire human population. Of these three major crops, rice is the most widely consumed food crop for people in the developing world. It has been estimated that over half…
Researchers are developing new ways to replace synthetic antioxidants and use natural waste products, such as bran, in preserving healthy food for longer.
With the clean-label drive showing no evidence of slowing down, confection and chocolate manufacturers are adapting to a changing market. Environmental concerns, health concerns and sustainability may be priorities for today’s consumers, but flavour and innovation have never been more important. Divakar Kolhe from Future Market Insights reports on the…
Okara (soybean pulp) and soy whey are by products of the manufacture of foodstuffs made from soybeans; typically, soymilk and tofu (soybean curd). Globally, over four million metric tons of okara are generated on an annual basis as a result of soymilk and tofu production. Associate Professor Shao-Quan Liu and…
Hear the word ‘cannabis’ and it’s perhaps an image of spliffs that most readily spring to mind. Things are changing, however. Cannabis products are increasingly promoted in countries or states where consumption of the bi-product CBD is legal.
A champion of ethical and sustainable food businesses, Erik Bruun Bindslev looks at one US chocolate company’s 150-year journey to sustainability and offers advice as to how others can head in the same direction, too.
Moisture analysis plays a critical role throughout the snack food manufacturing process, from verifying incoming dry ingredients, to final product release. Moisture levels are not only critical to shelf life and flavor of the final product, but can also dramatically affect processing and extrusion characteristics.
X-ray inspection systems provide unrivaled performance for contaminant detection. They also perform a wide range of inline quality checks, from determining mass and providing 100% inline checkweighing inspection to assisting manufacturers meet local weights and measures regulations for package weight compliance.
When a Devon confectionery company was put into receivership it looked like the end of a long heritage of fudge and toffee manufacture in the region. Just when everything appeared to be lost, rescue came from a very unlikely source. Ravi Sharma, Director of Bristows of Devon, explains how the…
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are increasingly being banned due to the health risks of artificial trans fats. Is your lab ready to detect these compounds in food?
With over 120 installed systems, Elea is the world’s leading provider of Pulsed Electric Field systems (PEF) to the food, beverage & scientific sectors.
Herbs and spices are things to be enjoyed. They add colour, flavour and aroma to so many of the dishes we like to eat. There are also numerous reports regarding the health benefits of these ingredients: claims that they are anti-diabetese, increase brain function and boost our immune systems to…
Lesaffre Ingredients Services (LIS), a Lesaffre Business Unit is pleased to announce...
A recent report has shown how the vast majority of the public support the government in tackling the high content of sugar and calories in foods...