Malibu adds communication content into its caps with NFC technology
7 June 2019 | By
300,000 bottles with with a pioneering smart bottle cap full of content for consumers will be rolled out for the first time in the US.
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7 June 2019 | By
300,000 bottles with with a pioneering smart bottle cap full of content for consumers will be rolled out for the first time in the US.
QR code label manufacturers are to witness robust revenue growth due to the technology's widespread applicability.
Waitrose has introduced a new initiative to combat the widespread use of plastic packaging in grocery shops.
Manufacturers and retailers are accused of manipulating consumers into purchasing ‘dangerously’ unhealthy products after new survey results.
Morrisons is to become the first British supermarket to roll-out plastic free fruit and veg areas in many of its stores, helping customers buy bagless.
The Refill campaign aims to prevent plastic pollution by making it easier to reuse and refill water bottles on the go.
According to a new report, LED lighting on supermarket shelves is reducing the nutritional value of milk and shortening its shelf life.
Environment Secretary Michael Gove has confirmed a ban on plastic straws in England following overwhelming public support for the move.
According to a new report, ice cream processing equipment is projected to experience substantial demand during the forecast period.
The FSA has opted for the most stringent of the four options offered in the recent consultation on amending allergen information labelling.
Sleeman Breweries' Guelph facility is to become Canada’s first brewery to achieve 3RCertified status for its waste initiatives.
New data has found that honey can be up to 86% free sugars (i.e. any sugars added to food or drink derived from fruit juice, honeys or syrups) while maple syrup can be made of 88% free sugars.
Devon-based bacon producer Denhay announces switch to recyclable packaging made of 25 percent recycled plastic.
People who ingest the drug are more likely to have psychiatric or heart problems than those who inhale it.
The service gives the option to receive specific alerts about issues involving any of the key 14 allergens.