Kelloggs and Pepsico adopt UK-style traffic light system
Traffic light labelling is to be adopted by some of Kellogg's cereals in the UK, and by PepsiCo for their European consumers.
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Traffic light labelling is to be adopted by some of Kellogg's cereals in the UK, and by PepsiCo for their European consumers.
In your role as a food producer, you’re sure to face questions from the public, especially in the wake of recent high-profile cases of contamination, recalls and mislabelling. The UK’s IFST has produced information to pass on to customers, outlined here.
A report has detailed possible novel packaging technologies in order to help extend the shelf life of foods and beverages...
Japanese researchers have developed a high-yielding method of using a glucose derivative of a non-food plant to synthesise FDCA.
Thornton’s Budgens supermarket has become London's first store to introduce Plastic Free Zones, giving consumers plastic-fee packaging choices.
Researchers have developed a method of using plastic waste and turning it into an aerogel with superior thermal insulation and strong absorption capacity.
With an increase in the number of people allergic to or being affected by sesame in foods, FDA commissioner has spoken about the next steps in labelling.
This week’s recall roundup from the UK and North America includes lead-filled curry powder and mislabelled snacks.
Richard Watson assesses the current UK seafood picture, the New Food team looks at the altruistic beverage brand, One, and Andy Buchan explains why hygienic design could help save you from a food-safety-related product recall.
The addition of refined fibre to processed food could be detrimental to human health, with research suggesting it could lead to liver cancer.
Almonds have retained their number one spot in Europe, with 2,414 new almond products in 2017 - according to a market report.
Compostable biodegradable polymers could be the future of food packaging, with the researchers looking to collaborate to further optimise the product.
Pret a Manger has decided to introduce full labelling on its products, despite current regulations meaning it is not obliged by law to do so.
28 September 2018 | By
Nestlé has promised an increase in recycled, recyclable and reusable plastics for use within the EU in order to cut waste from landfill sites...
The Swiss have recently voted against fair food, amid scares that food prices will increase, and Ministers calling the proposals 'dangerous'.