Cultured meat firm highlights safety advantages in U.S. labelling debate
The debate over how cultured meat is labelled has raged since February when the U.S. Cattlemen's association submitted a petition to the USDA.
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The debate over how cultured meat is labelled has raged since February when the U.S. Cattlemen's association submitted a petition to the USDA.
The terms 'artisanal', 'traditional' and 'craft' are being used by unscrupulous food businesses to conjure up an air of quality around mass-produced wares.
Eventually all petroleum-based material in food packaging will have to be replaced with bio-based material. Research done at Karlstad University shows that a mixture of starch and other polymers forms an equally effective protective barrier.
Charity WRAP found last year that local councils in the United Kingdom were sending black plastic to landfill.
A newspaper investigation allegedly found traces of animal DNA in meat-free and vegan products in two of the UK's most popular supermarkets.
Making a future for heritage grains, cereals grown by robots, without direct human intervention, and greater food supply chain assurance, provided by blockchain technology, are the three big ideas behind this year’s contenders for the BBC Farming Today Future Food Award.
The perceived safety and quality of food imported from Europe into China provides commercial opportunities for European food producers, research has found.
This is the first assessment of the targets which were introduced in 2016 to help curb the UK's obesity crisis.
Other recalls over the last week include Mary Berry's salad dressing and Remeo Gelato's Stracciatella Di Bergamo gelato.
The suit filed against 90 coffee companies said they were violating a state law requiring them to list chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
The proposals are open for comment until July 3. They are due to be finally issued just four weeks later on July 29.
1 May 2018 | By Dr Lizhe Wang, Biomaterial Scientist and Dr Joe P. Kerry, Head of the Food Packaging Group, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork
As traditional food packaging materials show shortcomings in terms of their environmental pollution impact and in their manufacturing requirements for non-renewable resources, the need for alternative packaging materials and packaging formats is now required more than ever.
Three European trade bodies have issued a reminder to member states not to go soft on misleading practices.
British retail giant Marks and Spencer has announced a new campaign that "shines a spotlight" on its beef traceability standards.
From Moroccan saffron to Cameroonian pepper, the FAO-EBRD study highlights the multiple benefits of geographical indication labelling.