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Packaging & Labelling



Food allergen labelling: Legislative requirements and guidance

24 April 2015 | By Barbara Gallani and Alex Turtle, Food and Drink Federation (FDF)

The Food Information to Consumers (FIC) Regulation (No 1169/2011, as amended)1 has introduced new rules for the provision of information on allergens. This Regulation, which came into force across the entire EU on 13th December 2014, combines general and nutrition labelling provisions together into a single regulation to simplify and…


Barrier packaging materials

23 April 2015 | By Kata Galić, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb

An important requirement in selecting food packaging systems is the barrier properties of the packaging material. Barrier properties include permeability of gases (such as O2, CO2, and N2), water vapour, aroma compounds and light. These are vital factors for maintaining the quality of packaged foods.


Processing & Packaging supplement 2014

2 May 2014 | By

Satu Salo compares conveyor belt materials, Koni Grob discusses recent progress on mineral oil from recycled paperboard, and Bart Roodenburg looks at in-pack electrical mild preservation techniques for liquid food products...


New research gives further insights on O2-ingress in food packaging

5 March 2014 | By Peter Ragaert & An Vermeulen, Pack4Food and Mieke Buntinx & Roos Peeters, Research Group Packaging Technology & VerpakkingsCentrum, University Hasselt

Diversity in food packaging has become increasingly important in the last few decades due to different trends such as globalisation and convenience. This has resulted in an increased need for certain barrier properties in order to guarantee the desired shelf-life of the packaged food product. In the case of gas…


Show preview: Total Processing & Packaging Exhibition 2013

26 April 2013 | By Helen Bahia

This year’s Total Processing & Packaging Exhibition takes place against a tough backdrop for the industry. Manufacturing output fell by three per cent in the year to March 2013, according to the Office for National Statistics. On top of that, the manufacturing industry is suffering a degree of collateral damage…


Flavours: When performance and packaging are no longer compatible

26 April 2013 | By Martina Lapierre, Flavour Technologist, PepsiCo

“The sensory threshold for difference detection can be considered to occur when there is a 30 per cent decrease in the concentration of a flavourant”. Flavourings are concentrated aroma chemical systems used in food and beverage formulations and as such are important in the provision of aroma and taste. Their…


Plastic packaging for fish and seafood

6 November 2012 | By Kata Galić, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb

In the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the amount of plastics being used in food packaging applications. This is because plastics bring in enormous advantages, such as thermosealability, flexibility in thermal and mechanical properties, permit integrated processes (i.e. plastic packages can be formed, filled and…


A perspective on labelling and consumer understanding

5 September 2012 | By Grethe Humbert, Dominique Taeymans, Gupta Himanshu and Philippe Pittet, Nestlé

This article presents a perspective on food additives, how consumers understand them and their labelling. It also highlights the evolution of consumer information obligations and expectations in the light of new EU Regulations. There are likely to be many reasons why con - sumers consult food labels and the reasons…


Packaging & Automation Supplement 2012

5 July 2012 | By Louis Lindenberg, Wayne Daley

Focusing on packaging: the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (Louis Lindenberg, Global Packaging Sustainability Director, Unilever)Next generation automation systems for food production (Wayne Daley, Principal Research Engineer, Georgia Tech Research Institute)


LCMS as a reliable tool for monitoring food allergens contamination

1 May 2012 | By Linda Monaci, National Research Council of Italy (ISPA-CNR)

Food allergen research has considerably expanded its field of interest in recent years probably due to the increasing incidence of food allergies throughout the population. According to the last legislation issued on this issue, there is a current trend to develop reliable methods tailored to the detection of food allergens…