FDA investigating multistate outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes
It’s thought a soft cheese could be to blame for the outbreak, which has seen Listeria cases reported in seven states across the US.
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It’s thought a soft cheese could be to blame for the outbreak, which has seen Listeria cases reported in seven states across the US.
This week's Recall Roundup features Listeria monocytogenes and Cyclospora alerts, plus undeclared allergen recalls and a warning over plastic pieces.
The FDA has announced it is collecting romaine lettuce samples to help prevent a similar E.coli outbreak to the one that occurred in the US in 2018.
This week's Recall Roundup features multiple E.Coli and Salmonella alerts, plus undeclared allergen recalls and a warning over glass pieces.
This podcast discusses the use of a novel selective supplement in the rapid recovery and detection of pathogenic Gram-negative organisms from challenging food matrices.
Scientists in South Africa warn that unless we change our relationship with meat, more pandemics look increasingly likely in the future.
A temporary control zone has been implemented on Anglesey, although this could be increased if lab tests confirm the strain is highly pathogenic.
A petition filed by several consumer groups and affected individuals has called on the US Department of Agriculture to better regulate US slaughterhouses to help reduce cases of Salmonella and Campylobacter in the US.
Professor Chris Elliott stresses his frustration over a lack of regulation for food sold online – a problem he has been flagging for some time – and calls for the FSA to share how it intends to address the issue.
This week's Recall Roundup features multiple Listeria monocytogenes alerts, plus undeclared allergen recalls and a warning over apple stalks.
Scientists at the University of Exeter reveal how bacteria that causes stomach upsets can beat the environment, with potential consequences for seafood testing methods.
A juice manufacturer in Washington state has been told to stop distributing by a US court after the FDA says it found arsenic in some products.
Scientists from Yale University in the US believe that overuse of hygiene products and antibiotics could be the cause of an increase in food allergies in the western world over the past 30 years.
A research team from Moscow says it can identify when your chicken has been grilled just right, without even smelling or seeing it...
New Food’s global roundup of product recalls includes several foreign object incidences, an undeclared allergen report, and more...