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Application note: Terpenes analysis in cannabis products by liquid injection using the Agilent Intuvo 9000/5977B GC/MS system
In this application, we demonstrated a selective, sensitive method for the analysis of chromatographically resolved terpenes common to Cannabis spp.
Researchers create portable tool to detect foodborne contaminants
A team of food scientists and engineers recently received a grant to develop and test a portable sensor technology which aims to quickly detect foodborne pathogens outside of a lab.
Application note: Estimation of beta-sitosterol in milk fat (ghee) by Agilent 8890 GC and 5977B MS
Application note: Estimation of beta-sitosterol in milk fat (Ghee) by Agilent 8890 GC and 5977B MS
How the Queen’s Jubilee is impacting the food and drink industry
As the UK celebrates the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Laura Jackson co-founder of Popcorn Shed, analyses what impact this has on the food and drink sector.
Application note: Black pepper authenticity workflow using the high resolution Agilent 7250 GC/Q-TOF
This application notes discusses a novel food authenticity workflow targeted for routine analysis that allows to distinguish black pepper samples
Application note: Low calibration limit research for multiresidue pesticides in milk using the Agilent 8890/7010B and 7890B/7000C triple quadrupole GC/MS systems
This application describes the Agilent 7890B/7000C and 8890/7010B triple quadrupole GC/MS systems for pesticide analysis in milk and linearity ranges
Application note: Estimation of ethylene oxide and ethylene chlorohydrin in sesame seeds with the Agilent 8890/7000D Triple Quadrupole
This application demonstrates the use of Agilent 8890 GC system and 7000D GC/MS triple quad mass spec to detect ethylene oxide in sesame seed samples
Application note: Workflow for food classification and authenticity using yerba mate and high-resolution GC/Q-TOF
This application note provides an example of a novel food authenticity workflow that can be used for food classification and detection of food fraud.
Poster: Comparing volatile compounds among brands of Argentinian yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) using high-resolution GC/Q-TOF
In this study, high resolution GC-QTOF data were used to analyse yerba mate extracts of four different brands
Stopping olive oil fraud in its tracks!
Researchers have created an innovative new tool that uses fingerprinting techniques to identify and verify the geographical origins of olive oil.
Poster: Pesticide residue analysis with automated EDGE extraction system
In this poster, EDGE automated solvent extraction system was evaluated for extraction of 235 pesticides from tomatoes
Digital dietician created in the US
A digital dietician has been created at Penn State University using VR technology in the hopes of helping people make better dietary choices.
Vegan pet food – what’s it all about?
Louisianna Waring of the Vegan Society shares insights for the vegan cat and dog food market – and outlines some areas where consumers might opt for meat-free alternatives.
Do you know much sugar you are consuming?
Data by graze reveals that adults and children in the UK are consuming too much sugar due to a lack of understanding, but it hopes to help with a new campaign.