Princes installs new canning line as part of £80 million investment
The food manufacturer has made what it has called the largest ever capital investment in its UK manufacturing facilities.
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The food manufacturer has made what it has called the largest ever capital investment in its UK manufacturing facilities.
Dr Liangxiu Han discusses how we might harness big data and machine learning/AI to boost global food security in these uncertain times of climate change.
A research team from Moscow says it can identify when your chicken has been grilled just right, without even smelling or seeing it...
The race to achieve the UN's Sustainability Goals could be causing more harm than good, according to a group of scientists.
For many decades we have witnessed the increasing use of robots for end of line palletising tasks and, more recently, their successful roll out for secondary packaging operations. In this article, we explore whether the ‘Holy Grail’ for robotics in the food sector - namely, their use for primary food…
New insights into the plausibility of a fully-automated laboratory are giving industry food for thought.
The Founder of Camile Thai Kitchen examines the ways in which 2020 has accelerated the adoption of new technology and how his business will implement such innovations in the near-future.
The nine projects to receive funding are applying big data, artificial intelligence and robotics to UK farming, with the aim of establishing a more efficient system of food production that cuts costs and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Covid-19 has accelerated the deployment of technology in the global food and drink supply chain. Here, tech expert, Paul Cuatrecasas explains how…
In issue #2 of Talking Crop, Gideon Ashworth explores the relationship between technology selection, soil and crop quality.
Andrea Paoli, Head of Food Manufacturing, Robotics and Automation at the National Centre for Food Manufacturing, University of Lincoln, explores how a systematic use of automation and robotic systems could facilitate a major advancement in food manufacturing efficiency during times of unsustainable economic pressures.
How can blockchain technology help improve the food industry? New Food hears from two experts about this technology's potential within the sector.
Marc Fortin of the Retail Council of Canada explains how Canada's food systems are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and his thoughts on the future.
The Annual Report also includes details about Nestlé's commitment to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Endorsed by Pope Francis, the resolution stresses the importance of minimising AI technology's risks while effectively exploiting its potential benefits.