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Near Infrared: Food fraud and NIRS

5 March 2014 | By Saskia van Ruth, Head of Authenticity & Novel Foods Business Unit & Professor of Food Authenticity and Integrity and Rob Frankhuizen, Scientist, State Institute for Quality Control of Agricultural Products, RIKILT Wageningen University and Research Centre

Nowadays foods and ingredients are sourced from many different parts of the globe. Since the 1960s, global food transport has been increasing at an exponential rate, faster than food production itself. For certain countries, this network ensures access to any food item regardless of season or origin. The number of…


Understanding the dark side of food: the analysis of processed food by modern mass spectrometry

5 March 2014 | By Nikolai Kuhnert, School of Engineering and Science, Jacobs University Bremen

Do we actually know what we eat? How well do we really understand the chemical composition of our daily food? These are two questions of utmost importance for consumers, food manufacturers and the scientific community involved in food research. The answer to that question is anything but straightforward. Our knowledge…


Rapid Methods & Mass Spectrometry supplement 2013

2 January 2014 | By

Back-tracing environmental toxicants in an animal-derived food chain based on food metabolomics Detecting bacteria in food: harder than searching for a needle in a haystack? Rapid detection methods for chemical hazards in foods Mass spectrometry for the food industry


In a nutshell: An interview with Rohit Shroff, Application Specialist, Tecan Schweiz AG

2 January 2014 | By Rohit Shroff, Application Specialist, Tecan Schweiz AG

Tecan is a global provider of instruments and solutions for laboratory automation in various markets with a broad portfolio for the food testing industry. Founded in 1980 in Switzerland, Tecan now has over 1,100 employees and owns production, research and development sites in both Europe and North America; maintaining a…


Whatever it takes for protein analysis: Kjeldahl, Dumas, or NIR

30 September 2013 | By François Bourdichon (Barry Callebaut ), William Ickes, Jürgen Müller & Giovanni Campolongo (BÜCHI)

Whereas Kjeldahl is a proven method for all kind of sample matrices, Dumas excels in unattended processing at high throughput, and NIR is matchless in terms of immediate and comprehensive multi-component analysis. BUCHI introduces you to the Master series, which includes the KjelMaster, DuMaster, and NIRMaster instruments for protein analysis...


Infrared spectroscopy and its role to monitor wine fermentation

28 August 2013 | By Daniel Cozzolino School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide

The term Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) describes the field of process analysis and measurement technologies that have been expanded to include several physical, chemical, mathematical and other analytical tools used to characterise chemical and biological processes. Over the past few years, on- in- and at-line analysis, the so-called PAT technologies,…


Coupling NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the assessment of food quality

28 February 2013 | By Federico Marini, Department of Chemistry, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’

In the last 30 years, there has been increasing attention paid to the possibility of using Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to deal with different aspects of food quality assessment. Indeed, the intrinsic characteristics of this technique, which, requiring little or no sample pretreatment, allows high throughput analyses in a rapid…


NIRS of chocolate and its chemometric analysis

11 January 2013 | By Jürgen Stohner, Brenno Zucchetti, Fabian Deuber and Fabian Hobi, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ICBC Institute of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry and Bernhard Lukas and Manfred Suter, Max Felchlin AG

In today’s modern society, chocolate has been established as a premium lifestyle food product. Besides oil and coffee, cocoa is one of the most valuable commodities of global trade. About four per cent of cocoa beans traded on the world market originate from the noble criollo bean and are the…


Mass Spectrometry supplement 2012

13 December 2012 | By José Bernal del Nozal, Pilar Manzano, Juan Carlos Diego, María Jesús Nozal, Carmen Ferrer, Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba

Studying the influence of the potato variety and frying oil on fatty acid content of commercial potato crisps (José Bernal del Nozal, Pilar Manzano, Juan Carlos Diego and María Jesús Nozal - IU CINQUIMA, Analytical Chemistry Group, University of Valladolid)LC-MS/MS and pesticide residue analysis in food (Carmen Ferrer and Amadeo…


Progress on coffee roasting: A process control tool for a consisten roast degree – roast after roast

4 July 2012 | By Chahan Yeretzian, Flurin Wieland & Alexia N. Gloess, Zurich University of Applied Science, Institute of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry and Marco Keller, Andreas Wetzel & Stefan Schenker, Bühler AG

A real-time automated process control tool for coffee roasting was developed to consistently and accurately achieve a targeted roast degree. It is based on timeresolved on-line monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the off-gas of a drum roaster, using Proton-Transfer-Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass-Spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS). These experiments provide a detailed, real-time…