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Online transflectance NIR imaging of foods

7 March 2007 | By Vegard H. Segtnan, Jens Petter Wold and Martin Høy, Matforsk AS, Norway and Jens T. Thielemann and Jon Tschudi, SINTEF ICT, Norway

Most solid foods are heterogeneous on one level or another. Minced meat or an intact piece of meat, for example, will have smaller or larger local regions that are almost pure fat, pure lean meat or pure connective tissue. For such heterogeneous foods the distribution of the local differences is…


Innovative uses of NIR to improve baking

21 November 2005 | By Dr. Richard Dempster, American Institute of Baking

Near Infrared Reflection (NIR) is an established and valid measurement method for many specific compounds, (moisture, protein, fat, etc.) within the food industry. Recently, two ideas have emerged from the American Institute of Baking (AIB). The first is to use NIR to monitor processes and the second is to use…


Evaluating chocolate blends

3 May 2005 | By S.J. Millar and A.G. Hall, Baking and Cereals Processing Department, Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association

Chocolate is widely appreciated globally as a luxury food. Although its introduction to Europe and the rest of the world occurred some 500 years ago, the cocoa bean had been recognised as a highly significant plant in South America for thousands of years prior to that – having been cultivated…


What’s inside cheese?

31 January 2005 | By Dr Gerard Downey, TEAGASC, The National Food Centre, Ireland

NIR is widely used in food analysis with application to many sectors. In this article Gerry Downey addresses its value to the dairy industry. The dairy industry is of enormous financial significance in Ireland and many other European countries and it is currently undergoing a period of large scale rationalisation…