
Pulsed Light’s Application in the Food Safety and Enhancement Space

Supported by:

21 October 2020

Supported by:

21 October 2020

XENON ImageXENON is the world leader in Pulsed Light technology for a wide variety of food safety, nutrient enhancement and research applications.

With over 50 years of experience, XENON’s revolutionary Pulsed Light technology has the ability to sanitize conveyors with continuous treatment, sterilize food packaging and decontaminate foods; improving the safety and even extending their shelf-life. It is effective, clean, FDA-approved and involves no chemicals.

XENON is an active partner in the research and development of new and emerging applications of Pulsed Light in various industries and has thousands of systems operating on production lines worldwide.

Key learning points:

  • Learn how Pulsed Light is used to sanitize conveyors with continuous treatment, sterilize food packaging and decontaminate foods; improving the safety of food and even extending their shelf-life.
  • Understand why the food safety and sanitization industry is shifting toward chemical-free Pulsed Light applications for surface decontamination.
  • Explore the latest research on surface decontamination utilizing XENON Pulsed Light systems and successful cases of Pulsed Light applications.

Keynote Speakers:

PanicoLouis Panico, CEO, XENON Corporation

Louis Panico is a founding partner and CEO of XENON Corporation, a designer and manufacturer of high-performance Pulsed Light systems.

He has supported food safety and food enhancement research conducted by universities and research organizations.

His life-long commitment to the field has led to the discovery of many beneficial uses of Pulsed Light, which makes him an invaluable partner for researchers working in the food and beverage industry.Mr. Panico has authored numerous papers and has been awarded several patents focused on Pulsed Light.

He is a veteran of the Marines and graduated from Northeastern University where he earned his degree in Electrical Engineering.

SaadDr. Saad Ahmed, Vice President of Operations, XENON Corporation

Dr. Saad Ahmed has directed XENON Corporation’s Engineering Department for more than a decade. Dr. Ahmed is responsible for the development of nearly all of XENON’s food sanitization Pulsed Light systems, including XENON’s Z-1000 Rapid Surface Sterilization System.

Most recently, Dr. Ahmed, along with his team of dedicated engineers, developed a high-intensity, Z-2000 Conveyor treatment system, which represents the most advanced technology to date for continuous conveyor sanitization. These Pulsed Light systems have various applications in the food safety and enhancement industries.

Dr. Ahmed has a PhD in EE from University of Liverpool in England.

BeiningBeining Ouyang, Microbiologist, XENON Corporation

Beining Ouyang serves as XENON Corporation’s in-house Microbiologist.

Beining has spent countless years focusing on research and lab experiments, as well as, documenting her findings in technical papers on food microbiology using XENON Pulsed UV units.

She is responsible for developing test protocols for different biological challenges for customers and performing bio testing at XENON.

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