
Managing microbiological safety and quality of low moisture foods and ingredients

Supported by:

14 October 2020

Supported by:

14 October 2020

Thermo ImageThis webinar presents the audience with an overview of the microbiological challenges the Dairy and Chocolate industry face when manufacturing low moisture foods. The session focuses on dry infant formula, cocoa and chocolate with a focus on the benefits gained from:  

  • harmonized protocols for Salmonella spp., Cronobacter spp., and Staphylococcus aureus in powdered infant formula,
  • testing sample pooling or increasing the test portion size.

Key learning points:

  • An overview of regional and national regulations
  • The benefits of having a harmonized workflow across multiple pathogens on a single platform
  • An opportunity to ask our expert speakers questions and benefit from their knowledge and experience.

Keynote Speaker

SpeakrFrançois Bourdichon, Food Safety Microbiologist, Food Safety, Microbiology and Hygiene

François holds a master’s degree of science, major general microbiology from Pasteur Institute, Paris. After 15 years working for major dairy (Nestlé, Danone, Savencia) and confectionary (Barry Callebaut) food business companies, he is principal food safety microbiologist within consulting company Food Safety, Microbiology and Hygiene. View LinkedIn Page

He chairs the ongoing ILSI Europe Expert Group on Processing Environment and Low Moisture Foods: “Environmental Monitoring in Dry production environments – Are we looking for the right thing(s) / microorganisms?“

ILSI Europe kicks off a new activity to assess the impact of environmental factors during dry production

ILSI Micriobiological Food Safety

François is member of the editorial board of New Food.

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