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Application note: Faster GC-MS Analysis of 3-MCPD and Glycidyl Esters in Edible Oils

Posted: 18 March 2020 | | No comments yet

Featured Application: 3-MCPD and Glycidyl Esters on Rxi-17Sil MS

Fatty acid esters of 3-chloropropane-1,2,-diol (3-MCPD) and glycidyl esters in edible oils are contaminants that form during refining processes. When ingested, these compounds release free MCPD and glycidol, which are considered potentially carcinogenic and/or genotoxic. The most common analytical approach is an indirect method where esters in the sample are hydrolysed, further derivatised, and then analysed by GC-MS. Methods such as AOCS Cd 29c-13—or its international (ISO 18363-1) or national (DGF C-VI 18 (10)) equivalents—are routinely used for this analysis. During the sample preparation process, free glycidol coverts to 3-MCPD under acidic conditions and is then analysed together with the directly formed 3-MCPD. The chromatographic method calls for a PTV inlet operated in splitless mode, which necessitates a low initial oven temperature (85 ˚C) and solvent focusing to maintain narrow, symmetrical peaks, especially for early eluting compounds. After several temperature gradients, the final analysis time (as published in AOCS Cd 29c-13) is 24.8 minutes.

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