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Whitepaper: How to reduce energy during the wort boiling stage of brewing with Steam Infusion

Posted: 21 May 2018 | | No comments yet

Wort boiling is a key stage in the brewing process and typically in a traditional setup, it accounts for up to 60% of the total energy demand of the brewery.

Many complex reactions occur during the wort boiling that are critical to the brewing process. This includes stopping enzyme activity, sterilisation, the conversion of SMM (S-methyl methionine) to DMS (dimethyl sulphide) and the isomerisation of hop alpha acids which gives the beer its bitter taste. The vigorous boiling process also ensures that the bubble stability is sufficient for optimised trub formation and volatile stripping. This traditional method of boiling is very inefficient and requires high amounts of energy consumption for the boiling process to be effective.

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