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Poster: Real-time authentication of food and beverages using DARTQDa LiveID analysis

Posted: 1 June 2018 | | No comments yet

Currently there is no globally harmonised definition for “food fraud”, however, there are initiatives coordinating action against fraudulent practices in the food supply chain…

Food and beverages of higher commercial value are frequently subject to fraud. Analytical methods are required for process control, quality assurance and formulation. Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) is an ambient ionisation technique requiring minimal sample preparation and no chromatography.

DART has been coupled to a single quadrupole mass spectrometer (QDa) to produce spectral profile data for fingerprinting using chemometric model building software (LiveID 1.2). Here we investigate the potential for the of DART QDa LiveID as solution for the rapid screening of high value food and beverage samples with minimal sample preparation. Chemometric models for product verification have been generated using authentic reference samples of premium whisky (brand 1, brand 2 and adulterated), palm oils (including crude, sustainably produced crude and refined originating from different geographical locations) and ground cinnamon and cassia.


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