Whitepaper/App note

Why using X-ray systems for checkweighing is a smart choice

Posted: 12 December 2018 | | No comments yet

X-ray inspection systems provide unrivaled performance for contaminant detection. They also perform a wide range of inline quality checks, from determining mass and providing 100% inline checkweighing inspection to assisting manufacturers meet local weights and measures regulations for package weight compliance.

Consumer brand loyalties can be severely crippling and even destroy a company’s brand if faced with negative publicity surrounding bad consumer experiences or even the smallest of recalls relating to package net weights. Bad consumer experiences can range from having a lesser count then the expected packaged quantity to a ready meal carton missing a dessert. Systematic non-compliance to package net and average weight laws can lead to formal recalls and even fines. The addition of Social Media as an outlet for consumer expression makes company consumer ratings easy to attain and rapidly accessible with an online click via their mobile device. With just one bad twitter review, it’s easy to lose a lifelong customer and even harder to win them back or earn credibility again.

This white paper discusses the various merits of using the inline checkweighing functionality within the x-ray system to help ensure that the consumer receives what’s expected of a product.

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